Fidesz MEP: ‘We reject European left’s petty attacks’

Balázs Hidvéghi, an MEP of Hungary’s ruling Fidesz, said late on Tuesday that “we reject the series of petty attacks by the European left which have already created division and which weaken the EU’s ability to act in a crisis situation”.

“Attacks and accusations”?

Commenting on the plenary debate about the rule of law situation in Poland and the European Commission’s approval of the recovery plan for that country, Hidvéghi said the approval had come after several months of delays for Poland to access funding it is entitled to.

“The fact that the committee finally took this decision shows that all previous attacks and accusations against Poland were nothing else but political hysteria, a blackmail with no real grounds,”

the MEP told MTI.

“Ideological attacks”

He boldly said that “there are left wing and radical left deputies, groups and forces” in the European Parliament who would continue their “petty accusations and political blackmail” and their “ideological attacks against the Christian Democratic Polish government the same way they have been acting against Hungary for a long time”.

Hidvéghi said that EU member states must bond together and respect each other “when there is war next door”.

“This is the only way to make common decisions at a time when Europe is threatened by an economic, migratory and energy crisis,” he said.

Hungary is “entitled”

The MEP said the committee had to approve Hungary’s recovery plan, insisting that “Hungary is entitled to receive those funds, because the country has done all it could to prepare an appropriate plan”.

“It is time for the committee to act on this because in a war situation what is needed is unity,”

Hidvéghi said, adding that Hungary had taken in the largest number of refugees in proportion to its population.

“Withholding funding Hungarians are entitled to is part of a series of political-ideological attacks, it must be accepted that the EU is composed of 27 member states with a wide range of traditions, cultures and decisions, and creating harmony among these needs mutual trust and respect,” he said.

Source: MTI

One comment

  1. Poland agreed to scrap their controversial Judicial Star Chamber, hence the funds are being released. The EU, quite rightly prevailed in this matter and Poland had to accept the ECJ ruling. Therefore, Hidvégi’s comments about that are nonsense, the desperate attempts of a man at the end of a bridge who knows that if won’t accept a legal ruling made against Hungary, he can jump into the water and the rest of the EU member states couldn’t care less.

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